Your Doctor Discussion Guide to
the COVID-19 Vaccines and MS

As more vaccines for COVID-19 become available, many people with MS are wondering if and when they should get vaccinated. Use this discussion guide to help answer some common questions you may have about MS, COVID-19, and COVID-19 vaccines when you have your next appointment with your doctor. The link to a printable version of this guide is available below.

If I have MS, should I still get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Specific information about the safey and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines in people with MS is not yet available. However, it is recommended that people with MS should consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine. You should talk to your doctor about whether you should get the COVID-19 vaccine.1

Are people with MS at greater risk for contracting COVID-19?

People with MS are not at greater risk than the general public for contracting COVID-19.2
Talk to your doctor for more information.

Will the COVID-19 vaccine make my MS worse?

You should speak to your doctor if you are concerned about the potential worsening of your symptoms. The vaccines for COVID-19 are not likely to trigger a relapse or affect the long-term disease course. In general, the risks of getting COVID-19 likely outweigh potential risks of getting the COVID-19 vaccine.1

I am on a disease-modifying therapy for MS, should I still get the COVID-19 vaccine?

The vaccines for COVID-19 approved for use in Canada are belived to be safe for use with MS medications. Some disease-modifying therapies may make the COVID-19 vaccine less effective, but the vaccine will still provide some protection.1 You should talk to your doctor about when you should receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Should I stop my MS treatment in order to receive the COVID-19 vaccine?

In general, people with MS should continue their disease-modifying therapies (DMTs), and talk to their doctors about their individual risks before stopping a DMT.3

Download the printable version of this COVID-19 discussion guide to take with you to your next appointment.

For complete information about MS, available treatment options, or if you suspect that you’re experiencing any related symptoms, talk to your healthcare professional.

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1. MS Society of Canada. COVID-19 vaccine guidance for people living with MS. Updated June 1, 2021. Accessed June 4, 2021.

2. MS Society of Canada. Q and A for People Living with MS during COVID-19 Pandemic. Accessed June 4, 2021.

3. MS Society of Canada. Disease-Modifying Treatment (DMT) Guidelines for Coronavirus (COVID-19). Accessed June 4, 2021.


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